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2018-04-29 03:00

RAMPANT PIRACY: Illicit streaming devices continue to post a direct threat to content creators, sports leagues and live performances, the US’ ‘Special 301 Report’ said/ Staff writer, with CNA, WASHINGTONThe Office of the US Trade Representative’s Special 301 Report released on Friday included Taiwan in a list of nations for online intellectual property rights (IPR) piracy.While Taiwan was removed from the report’s watch list in 2009, the latest edition indicated that there is still rampant piracy in the nation.Illicit streaming devices “continued to post a direct threat to content creators, sports leagues and live performances, as well as legitimate streaming, on-demand and over-the-top media service providers,” the report said.The Special 301 Report is an annual review conducted by the office under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 on the global state of IPR protection and enforcement. It identifies trade barriers in other nations faced by US companies and products in IPR, such as copyright, patents and trademarks.Regarding online IPR violations, the report said “the proliferation of camcords” continues to be an urgent trade problem.“Illicit camcording is the primary source of unauthorized copies of newly released movies found online,” the office said.Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam were also named for putting up trade barriers through rampant IPR piracy through illicit streaming devices.“Economies like Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Taiwan do not effectively criminalize unauthorized camcording in theaters,” the report said.The office urged those nations to adopt laws and enforcement practices to prevent illicit camcording.The office recognized Taiwan’s enactment of an amendment last year to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (藥事法) that has provided a mechanism for early resolution of potential patent disputes.The law was designed to notify interested parties of marketing requests or approvals for follow-on pharmaceuticals in a manner that could allow them to resolve patent disputes as early as possible, the office said.China remained on the report’s “priority watch list” for the 14th consecutive year.The list identifies countries that have the most onerous or egregious acts, policies, or practices in IPR violation.China’s continued presence on the priority watch list reflected its failure “to implement promises to strengthen IP [intellectual property] protection, open China’s market to foreign investment, allow the market a decisive role in allocating resources and refrain from government interference in private sector technology transfer decisions,” the report said.China was also placed on a Section 306 monitoring list for an alleged move to force foreign companies to transfer technology.The office placing a country in the Section 306 monitoring list could be seen as Washington issuing an ultimatum, as the US could take retaliatory measures against its trading partner if progress is not made.In addition to China, the office also included Algeria, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Russia, Ukraine and Venezuela on the priority watch list.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES





教育部昨晚駁回台大校長遴選結果,圖為中研院院士管中閔。本報資料照片 分享 facebook 教育部昨晚駁回台大校長遴選結果。翻閱教育部提供的書面新聞資料附件「台大校長遴選爭議案的法律研析意見」中,有一段關鍵意見為:「建議教育部不予同意聘任案,以期慎重,台大應重新辦理遴選程序,且管中閔違法兼職既然已經事證明確,依法自不得再參加遴選。」換言之,蔡政府是想把管中閔「連根拔起」、斬草除根?教育部提供記者的書面法律研析意見指出,鑑於台大校長一職的重大公共利益性質,而管中閔違法兼職於前,又台大未揭露其與遴選委員間之利害關係在後。管中閔雖經台大校長遴委會遴選為新任校長,但其擔任教職期間,有上述違法行為,應非能勝任立於執牛耳地位的台大校長。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 此外,管中閔與遴選委員蔡明興之間存有重大利益關係,相關情節卻未經台大適時揭露,至遴委會無從就有關事證充分檢視、審議,以決定本件是否構成法定迴避事由,甚至在欠缺完整資訊的情況下,就管中閔之適任性進行判斷,終以不適格之候選人為當選人,其遴選組織、過程與結果顯有失公正,難認與憲法要求之正當行政程序原則相符,建議教育部不予同意聘任案,以期慎重,台大應重新辦理遴選程序,且管中閔違法兼職既然已經事證明確,依法自不得再參加遴選。教育部次長林騰蛟昨晚在記者會上被問及,若管中閔參與遴選,又成為校長當選人,教部是否核聘時。林騰蛟說,若管重選,且資格上也沒問題,若再選上,教育部就會聘。不過據了解,行政院高層對這段說法頗有微詞,似乎主張管中閔不應具遴選資格。而吳茂昆隨後接受媒體採訪時也表示,有關管中閔的違法事證,遴委會必須認定及處置。吳茂昆的說法,則是與法律研析資料中的「管中閔違法兼職既然已經事證明確,依法自不得再參加遴選」一致?


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